My earlier two books on “Energy Auditing” were well received by consultants, industries and engineers. Inspired by the roaring success of the above books, I have brought out Volume III of the book. This Volume III has all that are required to write a complete practical Audit Report covering 12 Nos. of ISO standards. Included in the book are practical questionnaires, procedures manual and audit reports.This book is user-friendly and covers all that is required to write an Audit Report. The auditors/consultants follow the ready-to-use techniques in the book. The industries too can save money which otherwise would be wasted through inefficient use of energy, and improve their quality, safety and other management practices in their organization.All you have to do is go round the plant, interview people, fill up the questionnaire and use the format given in the book. You can then prepare the report as per the samples given in the book. A sample report and audit manual is presented for ISO 50001 standard. The audit manual and reports may be prepared in the same way for other standards also.